Kelp Talk

using hashtags

  • mistyfriday by mistyfriday

    I've noticed some bring all their captures of clouds, glitches, and land over here to discussion and hashtag them. I thought we used the cloud button and then passed the photo on for clouds. As for glitches we just pass to the next photo. Will using hashtags like that on the images keep them from being cleared from the working stack? Perhaps a little more clarification in the instructions is indicated. Or perhaps I am thinking that something that is nothing of consequence is something of consequence. 😃


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    First of all, I'm not a scientist, but it is not necessary to # clouds or artifacts in Talk. But,some people, for various reasons, like to # things. We see this as lot on other Zooniverse projects as well. 😄


  • yshish by yshish

    some people like collecting interesting images, like clouds or so. hast tagging them helps to search these images:)


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Just to clarify : some people like to collect interesting things that are interesting just for themselves ! 😄


  • jebyrnes by jebyrnes scientist

    Indeed - there are some really cool hashtags! See #fire #dragon and #homer_simpson for some neat examples.


  • mistyfriday by mistyfriday

    What I was wondering about was the use of kelp, clouds, land and glitch hashtags. Since we were doing that work (the classification) on the classification page it is redundant to bring those images over here to discussion and # them with those labels. I couldn't understand why a group of people seem to do it with all of their captures. And wondered if doing so would keep them from being eliminated then from the data set. As far as making collections you can click the favorite button, or come over here to discussion and click collection and set one up. It really makes the discussion pg busy with kelp, clouds, and glitch images. Then it is harder to see the cool things in there. Of course things that are cool and those that need clarification would certainly be posted. Of course I could be totally off base, but pg after pg of pointing out kelp and clouds gets old. Unless I go into a collection of it by choice!


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Hi mistyfriday,

    I'm 100% with you on this. Some people like to tag every image they get to classify. For reasons only known to them. We see it too on other Zoo-projects. I don't quite get it , because , as you say, it is redundant ! You could post an image with lots of kelp in it, just to share it. But that is it. I don't hashtag things that we can classify, unless it is something really special. Unfortunately, there is not a lot we can do. We can ask people to not hashtag the obvious, but in the end it is up to them. So, I'm afraid we'll have to live with it. 😄


  • mistyfriday by mistyfriday

    Hi ElisabethB,

    Thanks for responding and understanding. I guess as they say it takes all kinds of us to make the world go round! We all have different ideas, and thought processes. But the cool thing, you put those ideas together and you can come up with some pretty neat things. Sometimes you just have to keep looking at the same stuff over and over, but that is not necessarily bad! 😉
