Kelp Talk

Land mass or kelp?

  • VictoriaC by VictoriaC

    How can you tell? the spot to the left of the lowest point in the middle of the photo, is it an island or kelp?


  • jebyrnes by jebyrnes scientist

    One way to tell is to click through to the google map link. If it's a landmass, you'll see it in the google map. If not, you won't!


  • jebyrnes by jebyrnes scientist,146.1958751,11918m/data=!3m1!1e3 for a clearer view. While there are some islands, some of that is clearly #kelp


  • HyperZenGirl by HyperZenGirl

    @jebrynes Could you put that the Lat/Long can be clicked for a Google Map image into the tutorial? I think that would be really helpful.
